Exam Time 3pm to 5pm

S.No. Course Code Course Name Course Coordinator Sem Total students Credit Hours/ Week Total classes till Date Student attendance in(%) Exam Date
1215111 DNC301-Digital Illustration Pooja Saklani 5464 29330/11/-0001
2215112 DNC302-Space Design A Upasna 5234 449130/11/-0001
3215311 DNE301-Design for Immersive Media Herold Pazhunnana 5234 158930/11/-0001
4215411 DNG301-Space Design B Upasna 5234 110030/11/-0001
5425311 ENE301-WOMEN’SWRITING Dr Gazala Khan 5214 308302/12/2024
6445312 GRE301-German Literature in Translation I Pooja 5234 159202/12/2024
7515323 COE106-Fundamentals of Investment Dr.Aditya 5514 478402/12/2024
8615313 MSE303-Reporting and Writing for Digital Media Dr. Nitin Kumar 5404 448702/12/2024
9715312 CYE104-Research Methodology for Chemistry Dr. Reshu 5204 359002/12/2024
10725311 CSE120-Machine Learning Arzoo Chamoli 5314 318702/12/2024
11115311 BSE104-Microbiology Vijendra Shah 5264 249004/12/2024
12415311 CNE301-Composition-I Deepanshu Saini 5134 248704/12/2024
13425313 ENE302-Children s Literature III Nitika kannojia 584 327704/12/2024
14435312 FRE302-History of the French in India Shubhra Kukreti 5224 209004/12/2024
15445311 GRE302-Business German –I Priyanka 5264 237704/12/2024
16455311 JPE301-Reading Comprehension & Composition Anjali Nautiyal 5224 407104/12/2024
17465311 SPE301-Introduction to Translation-I Sushil Kumar 5254 209004/12/2024
18515312 BAE302-Brand Management Mrs Arushi Jain 5324 257504/12/2024
19515324 COE107-Income Tax Law and Practice Dr.Divya 5514 498704/12/2024
20615311 MSE301-Corporate and Strategic Communication Dr. Karuna Sharma 5414 457304/12/2024
21715311 CYE101-Polymer Chemistry Ms. Sonali 5154 248904/12/2024
22725313 CSE129-Block chain Technology RAJWINDER KAUR 5174 308504/12/2024
23735311 MAE301-Probability and Statistics Dr. Bhim Sen Kala 5294 257704/12/2024
24745312 PHE106-Classical Dynamics Mr. Saurabh Rawat 5174 247704/12/2024
25815311 ECE301 -Agricultural Economics Dr. Rahul Saxena 5344 267304/12/2024
26845311 PYE301-Clinical Psychology SWATI SINGH 5324 468004/12/2024
27115411 BSG108-Biotechnology and Human Welfare Vivekanand Bahuguna 5264 209707/12/2024
28415411 CNG301-History of Modern Chinese Literature -I Shanky Chandra 5134 79807/12/2024
29435411 FRG301-History of the French in India Shubhra Kukreti 5364 157207/12/2024
30455411 JPG301-Introduction to Japanese Childrens Stories I Anjali Nautiyal 5174 297007/12/2024
31465411 SPG301-Cinema of Spainand Latin America Ms. Swagata Basu 574 196807/12/2024
32515411 BAG301-Supply Chain Management Dr. Sudhanshu Joshi 5404 368507/12/2024
33515412 BAG302-Brand Management Mrs Arushi Jain 5184 148307/12/2024
34615413 MSG303-Reporting and Writing for Digital Media Dr. Nitin Kumar 5444 408207/12/2024
35725411 CSG120-Machine Learning Arzoo Chamoli 5354 418507/12/2024
36735411 MAG301-Probability and Statistics Dr. Bhim Sen Kala 5204 308507/12/2024
37745411 PHG114-Experimental Techniques Mr. Aditya Mohan Sharma 5164 298507/12/2024
38845411 PYG302-Positive Psychology Ayushi Pandwal 5524 248607/12/2024
39115111 BSC301-Metabolism and Integration S. Bhopen Singh 5264 207810/12/2024
40415111 CNC301-Advanced Communicative Chinese-I Chia Hui Chen 5134 198810/12/2024
41425111 ENC301-Introduction to Literary Theory Aditi Bisht 5294 368410/12/2024
42445111 GRC301-History of German Literature –I Priyanka 5264 318010/12/2024
43455111 JPC301-Interpretation I Ms. Kanchan Kukreti 5224 327510/12/2024
44465111 SPC301-Spanish in Context : Applying Reading and Writing Skills-I Sushil Kumar 5244 168510/12/2024
45515111 BAC301-Business Environment Dr. Rajeev Kumar 5324 557610/12/2024
46515121 COC301-Business Mathematics Dr. Priyank Singh 5514 348310/12/2024
47615111 MSC301-Communication for Development Dr. Karuna Sharma 5414 437210/12/2024
48725111 CSC301-Operating Systems Kamini Bhatt 5314 358210/12/2024
49735111 MAC301-Multivariate Calculus Dr. Bhim Sen Kala 5294 207710/12/2024
50745111 PHC301-Quantum Physics I Dr. Indira 5174 208410/12/2024
51815111 ECC301-Econometrics-I ABHISHEK BADOLA 5344 388010/12/2024
52845111 PYC301-Cognitive Psychology-I Anamika Bhardwaj 5324 517710/12/2024
53115112 BSC302-Growth and Reproduction Jyotsna Singh 5264 368712/12/2024
54415112 CNC302-Advanced Selected Chinese Readings-I Madhurendra Jha 5134 2810012/12/2024
55425112 ENC302-European Modernism Chetana Pokhriyal 5294 408312/12/2024
56435112 FRC302-Techniques of Written Expression-I Shirin Joanna Shaw 5224 319112/12/2024
57445112 GRC302-German Linguistics –I Vipul Goswami 5264 178712/12/2024
58455112 JPC302-Selected Japanese Literary Texts I Ms. Prachi Jain 5224 337112/12/2024
59465112 SPC302-Spanish in Context : Applying Listening and Speaking Skills-I Ms. Ana 5244 288312/12/2024
60515112 BAC302-Management and Cost Accounting Dr. Vaishali 5324 558912/12/2024
61515122 COC302-Indirect Tax Laws & GST Dr. Sandhya Joshi 5514 278112/12/2024
62615112 MSC302-Science Communication Dr. Rashi Mishra 5414 385912/12/2024
63715112 CYC302-Biomolecules Dr. Amita Sati 5314 318712/12/2024
64725112 CSC302-Theory of Computation Dr Anuj Kumar 5314 327912/12/2024
65735112 MAC302-Group Theory-II Anjali Bisht 5294 328612/12/2024
66745112 PHC302-Electromagnetic Theory Mr. Saurabh Rawat 5174 197312/12/2024
67815112 ECC302-Indian Economy-I Dr. Rahul Saxena 5344 307312/12/2024
68845112 PYC302-Psychological Statistics-I Ms Anjali Suyal 5324 427712/12/2024
69115113 BSC303-Evolutionary Biology - I Shruti Chowdhari 5264 278316/12/2024
70415113 CNC303-Newspaper Chinese-I Pawan Ekka 5134 1510016/12/2024
71425113 ENC303-Post-Colonial Studies Richa Joshi Pandey 5294 508016/12/2024
72435113 FRC303-Major Literary Movements in France-I Lokesh Bishnoi 5224 208716/12/2024
73445113 GRC303-Translating German Texts –I Abhinav Kumar 5264 178916/12/2024
74455113 JPC303-Technical Translation Shivangi Negi 5224 217516/12/2024
75465113 SPC303-Reading and Analysis of Texts-I Ms. Shreya Rawat 5244 128616/12/2024
76515113 BAC303-Corporate Accounting Dr.Divya 5324 488116/12/2024
77515123 COC303-Fundamentals of HRM Dr. Ashish Sinha 5514 368016/12/2024
78615113 MSC303-Advertising and PR Ms Piyashi Himani 5414 416816/12/2024
79715113 CYC303-Quantum Chemistry Dr. Reshu 5314 498916/12/2024
80725113 CSC303-Optimization Techniques Dr. Neelam Panwar 5314 238616/12/2024
81735113 MAC303-Analytical Geometry Dr. Girish Dobhal 5294 209216/12/2024
82745113 PHC303-Nuclear Physics Dr. Indira 5174 188716/12/2024
83815113 ECC303-International Economics Dr. Arun Singh 5344 368316/12/2024
84845113 PYC303-Research Methodology-I RICHA NEGI 5324 438416/12/2024