S.No. Course Code Course Name Course Coordinator Sem Total students
1100512 DUA101-English Language Shabeer Ahmad Shah 22291111
2100513 DUA102-Spanish Language -I Tanya Narang 22161111
3100515 DUA104-German Language- I Nikita Joshi 21171111
4100517 DUA106-French Language I Akshah Nathan 21461111
5100519 DUA108-Japanese Language-I Mr. Abhishek Thapliyal 21051111
6100523 DUA201-Punjabi Language I RAJWINDER KAUR 261111
7100524 DUA202-Sanskrit Language I Dr.Rajesh Sharma 2211111
8100531 DUA209-Hindi language I Dr.Rajesh Sharma 2451111
9100610 DUV100-Environmental Studies Dr. Namita Tiwari 23061111
10112111 BSC151-Chemistry – II Charu Thapliyal 2271111
11112112 BSC152-Biophysics S. Bhopen Singh 2271111
12112113 BSC153-Ecology S. Bhopen Singh 2281111
13112211 BSS102-Wildlife Conservation & Management - II Vivekanand Bahuguna 2271111
14112411 BSG102-Natural Resource Management Babita Saroha 2281111
15212111 DNC151-Design Sketching II Atul Shah 2261111
16212112 DNC152-Design Concerns Kavana Khanna 2261111
17212113 DNC153-Geometry & Form in Space Yash Sharma 2261111
18212211 DNS151-History of Design Dhriti Dhaundiyal 2261111
19212411 DNG151-Introduction to Photography & Computer Graphics Kirti Kumari 2261111
20412111 CNC151-Elementary Intonation and Conversation Chia Hui Chen 2241111
21412112 CNC152-Elementary Comprehension Chinese-II Chia Hui Chen 2241111
22412113 CNC153-Elementary Writing Chinese-II Pawan Ekka 2271111
23412211 CNS151-Elementary Chinese Reading-II Madhurendra Jha 2261111
24412411 CNG151-Modern China (1840-1949) Anil Kumar 2241111
25422111 ENC151-History of English Literature Dr Gazala Khan 2411111
26422112 ENC152-Introduction to Fiction Richa Joshi Pandey 2411111
27422113 ENC153-Indian Writing in English Aditi Bisht 2421111
28422211 ENS151-ANALYTICAL READING AND WRITING Chetana Pokhriyal 2381111
29432111 FRC151-French through Communicative Approach- II Neelma Misra 2251111
30432112 FRC152-French through Creative Activities-II Akshah Nathan 2251111
31432113 FRC153-French through Culture & Civilisation-II Shubhra Kukreti 2251111
32432211 FRS151-Corrective Phonetics-II Varun Dev Sharma 2261111
33432411 FRG151-Life in France & Francophone Countries-II Shefali Pandey 291111
34442111 GRC151-German Grammar - II Mohit Ghai 2271111
35442112 GRC152-Communicative German - II Nikita Joshi 2281111
36442113 GRC153-Reading German Texts – I Vartika Maurya 2261111
37442211 GRS151-Self Study based Tutorials - II Aveksha. Arya 2261111
38442411 GRG151-Information on German Speaking Countries – II Nikita Joshi 2291111
39452111 JPC151-Basic Conversation – II Mr. Abhishek Thapliyal 2261111
40452112 JPC152-Text and Grammar - II Ms. Kanchan Kukreti 2291111
41452113 JPC153-Reading Comprehension & Composition Mr. Abhishek Thapliyal 2291111
42452211 JPS151-Communicative Japanese II Ms. Kanchan Kukreti 2301111
43452411 JPG151-Introduction to Japan II Mr. Abhishek Thapliyal 2171111
44462111 SPC151-Spanish in Context: Developing Reading and Writing Skills-II Sushil Kumar 2271111
45462112 SPC152-Spanish in Context: Developing Listening and Speaking Skills-II Ms. Ana 2301111
46462113 SPC153-Spanish through Texts: Developing Cultural Competence-II Ms. Swagata Basu 2271111
47462211 SPS151-Spanish through Audio-visual texts-II Ms. Ana 2271111
48462411 SPG151-Introduction to Culture of Spanish Speaking World -II Ms. Shreya Rawat 2421111
49512111 BAC151-Business Ethics and Governance Dr. Jayati Naithani 2351111
50512112 BAC152-Organisational Behaviour Dr. Reena Singh 2381111
51512113 BAC153-Business Finance Dr. Smita Tripathi 2361111
52512121 COC151-Business Policy and Management Ms. Shreyashi 2531111
53512122 COC152-Financial Reporting and Analysis Dr. Sandhya Joshi 2541111
54512123 COC153-Macro Economics Dr. Yasha Tomar 2531111
55512211 BAS151-E-Business Dr. Prabhat Kumar 2351111
56512221 COS151-Computer and E- Business Dr. Yasha Tomar 2531111
57512411 BAG151-Computer Fundamentals Dr. Yasha Tomar 2351111
58512421 COG151-Money and Banking Dr. Sandhya Joshi 2401111
59612111 MSC151-People and Culture of India Dr. Vandana Nautiyal 2501111
60612112 MSC152-Photography Ms. Juhee Prasad 2521111
61612113 MSC153-Basic Computer Applications for Media Dr. Nitin Kumar 2481111
62612211 MSS151-Photo-Editing Tools Ms. Juhee Prasad 2511111
63612411 MSG151-People and Culture of India Dr. Vandana Nautiyal 2431111
64612412 MSG152-Photography Ms. Juhee Prasad 2181111
65712111 CYC151-Instrumentation of Basic Spectroscopic Techniques Dr. Charu Dwivedi 2421111
66712112 CYC152-Organic Hydrocarbons and Halo-compounds Dr. Arun kumar 2331111
67712113 CYC153-Chemical Thermodynamics and its Applications Dr. Shiva Agarwal 2341111
68712211 CYS104-Cosmetics and Perfumes Dr. S.V Garimalla 2331111
69712411 CYG102 -General Organic Chemistry and Hydrocarbons Dr. Arun kumar 231111
70722111 CSC151-Computer Architecture Ms. Neha Pokhriyal 2371111
71722112 CSC152-Discrete Mathematics Dr. Neelam Panwar 2371111
72722113 CSC153-Programming using Python SHIVANKUR THAPLIYAL 2381111
73722161 CSC-451-Advanced Algorithms Narender Kumar 211111
74722162 CSC-452-Information Theory and Coding Dr. Neelam Panwar 211111
75722171 CSC-461-Advanced Algorithms Narender Kumar 231111
76722172 CSC-462-Research Methodology Narender Kumar 231111
77722211 CSS152 -Unix System Administration & Shell Programming Dr. Preeti Mishra 2371111
78722261 CSR-450-Knowledge Representation Dr Anuj Kumar 211111
79722262 CSP-450-Research Seminar-2 Dr Anuj Kumar 211111
80722361 CSE-453-Machine Learning Dr Anuj Kumar 211111
81722371 CSE-108-Digital Image Processing Dr. Roopa Kumari 231111
82722372 CSE-120-Machine Learning Dr Anuj Kumar 231111
83722373 CSE-121-Neural Networks Ms. Neha Pokhriyal 221111
84722411 CSG153 -Programming using Python SHIVANKUR THAPLIYAL 2481111
85732111 MAC151-Real Analysis-1 Sukhwinder Singh Rawat 2361111
86732112 MAC152-Differential Equations Damini Singh 2311111
87732113 MAC153-Group Theory-1 Anjali Bisht 2311111
88732211 MAS151 -Introduction to Programming with MATLAB Dr. Bhim Sen Kala 2311111
89732411 MAG151-Econometrics Dr. Bhim Sen Kala 2471111
90742111 PHC151-Electricity and Magnetism Dr. Archana Mishra 2191111
91742112 PHC152-Waves and Oscillations Dr. Poonam Semwal 2191111
92742113 PHC153-Electrical Circuit Analysis Mr. Amandeep Vishwakarma 2191111
93742211 PHS151-Computational Physics Skills Mr. Amandeep Vishwakarma 2191111
94742411 PHG151-Introduction to Electromagnetic Theory Dr. Archana Mishra 2221111
95812111 ECC151-Foundations of Microeconomics-II Vartika P. Singh 2411111
96812112 ECC152-Foundations of Macroeconomics-II Dr. Rahul Saxena 2431111
97812113 ECC153-Mathematics-II Vartika P. Singh 2421111
98812211 ECS151-Applications of Basic Statistical Software (SPSS) Angshuman Sarma 2411111
99812411 ECG151-Foundations of Economics-II Vartika P. Singh 221111
100842111 PYC151-Life span development Anamika Bhardwaj 2361111
101842112 PYC152-Health Psychology Dr.Savita K. Tiwari 2361111
102842113 PYC153-Biopsychology Dr.Rajesh Bhatt 2361111
103842211 PYS151-Personal growth and development Deepak Kumar 2361111
104842411 PYG151-Emotional Intelligence Ayushi Pandwal 21241111